Mike Wilks 

Hall of Fame Coaches • Hall of Fame • Girls Volleyball
Head Coach Girls Volleyball
Eisenhower High School
Inducted October 2019

Coach Wilks was a successful volleyball coach for Eisenhower from 1982-2001 and then later stepped into rivalry territory and coached at MacArthur from 2004-2006. He earned 561 varsity wins, 268 loses, 15 regional championships, 2 sectional wins, 5 conference championship titles and a 7 time Macon County Coach of the Year.
It was like pulling teeth to get Coach Wilks to share his accomplishments with us, so we asked former player Reeni McElyea Letizia and DPS Hall of Famer to share a memory of Coach Wilks with us. Here is what she had to say:
"His first year of coaching volleyball was the fall of 1982, and we won regionals. I remember seeing him out walking one evening that summer and knowing we didn’t have a volleyball coach yet, I asked him to come coach us. He was the boys basketball coach and my track coach at Johns Hill. Coach Wilks teaches and coaches effectively in his own way. We learned to never give a partial effort and the team is more important. He continued to “coach” us after we graduated high school and he continues to be a mentor to me in my coaching".

I asked a teammate to share some thoughts about coach. They said, he was ALWAYS positive. Never heard anything negative come out of his mouth. Something funny I will never forget was when we travelled on the road, he always wanted pizza. Coach shared "pizza is good for you because it had all the food groups in it". Coach Wilks has always been so HUMBLE! He could have had an Olympic gold medalist and you would never know it.

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